How Much Money Can You Make Playing Axie Infinity?

How Much Money Can You Make Playing Axie Infinity?


Sections In Post

  • What is Axie Infinity
  • 3 Ways to Earn
  • Farming SLP
  • Breeding Axies
  • Scholarships
  • Final Thoughts (How much money you can expect to make)

What is Axie Infinity?

Axie Infinity is a play to earn game built on the Ethereum Blockchain. The basic model of the game is that you pay to buy NFTs (non fungible tokens) called axies which you can then use to play with in the game Axie Infinity in hopes of making a return on your investment. At the time of make this article each axie cost about $300, and you need 3 to start playing the game.

A $1,000 investment or more (If you want a competitive team) may seem crazy to some people at first. However, many people particularly in the Philippines are more than able to cover the cost after only playing the game for a few weeks. The question then becomes how do you make money in Axie Infinity, and how long will it take to make back your investment?

3 Ways to Earn in Axie Infinity

Farming SLP To Make Money

The first way people look to make money in the game is by “farming” or simply playing the game to earn SLP (smooth love potion.) By playing the game in Adventure mode you can earn up to 100 SLP per day plus any SLP acquired through winning one time boss fights in the game. Additionally, some other routes to earn SLP are by playing the PvP game mode which allows you to fight other teams of Axies. If you win you are rewarded with varying amounts of SLP based on your ranking. Finally, by simply logging into the game and doing these things you are awarded 50 SLP for completing the daily quest which include doing the following.

  1. Log in to the game

2. Win 10 Adventure mode battles

3. Win 5 PvP battles

In total if you do all these things it might take you 2 hours a day to earn around 150-200 SLP. You can then sell your SLP on an exchange to turn into fiat. At the time of making this article the price of SLP is sitting at 21 cents, but typically ranges from 20 up to 40 cents per Smooth Love Potion. Taking this into account if you were to only make 150 SLP per day; at current market conditions that would be around $32 ($224 a week) or more every day for just playing a game!

At that rate it would only take about a month or two to make back your original investment before you started making a profit. However, this is only if the game continues to be successful and the price of SLP remains similar to its current price. It is always important to do your own research and manage your risk before jumping into something like this.

Breeding Axies To Make Money

The second way people are able to make money in Axie Infinity is by breeding axies. By taking the SLP they’ve earned as well as AXS tokens they are able to burn these to create another axie. The price for each breeding goes up in price the more an axie is breed and the max it can be breed is 7 times. A first time breed for an axie is 150 SLP, so to breed two axies for the first time you will need around 300 SLP as well as 4 AXS tokens. You can then sell the baby for as much as you would like on the in game market.

Scholarships To Make Money

Finally, another way people make money in axie infinity is simply by lending out their axies. While this is more risky and requires additional risk it could potentially bring in more profit. Typically a “Manager” or someone who has additional axies will lend out their axies to a “scholar” or someone who needs axies to play, and return receive anywhere from 15-30% or more of all the SLP the scholar makes while playing in the game. By doing this the managers can lend out all of their unused axies in hope of potentially making a passive income. While the scholars can play to build up their wealth in hopes of potentially being able to afford a team of axies for themselves.

Final Thoughts (How much money you can expect to make)

In conclusion you are likely to make around $30-50 a day by playing Axie Infinity, but you could potentially make a lot more than that. If Axie Infinity sounds like something you might want to get into I would recommend going and watching On Chain gaming. I’ll leave one of his videos down below for you to check out!

Again just remember that there are no guarantees that this game will continue to be successful and to manage your risk before jumping into something like this.

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